Thursday, July 4, 2019

Using Office 365 in Workflow Notification mailer in Test environments Configuration steps

Using Office 365 in Workflow Notification mailer in Test environments

Steps1- Configure the mail server and email sender

    1.      Login using ‘SYSADMIN user and go to responsibility 'System Administration' > Oracle     Applications Manager > Click on Workflow

   2.      Screen displayed as Notification mailer Down

   3.      Click on 'Service Components'

 4.      Select Workflow Notification Mailer and click on Edit.


Set the following parameters

   a)    Outbound EMail Account (SMTP)
Server Name: ''
Username: ''
Password: 'password'
Connection Security: 'STARTTLS'

        b)    Inbound EMail Account (IMAP)
Server Name: ''
Reply-To Address: ''
Connection Security:'SSL/TLS'

         5.      Click on button 'Advanced'


          6.      Press 'Next'

    7.      Press 'Next'


          8.      Press 'Next'

      9.       Update from field to ‘Workflow Mailer Test Environment’ and click on finish.


           10.  Click on finish

       Steps2 - Configure the override address 

          Override email address is very imported in test environment. all the emails will be redirected to  this email. Following are the steps to set it up from back end.
          1.      Run the below sql statement

       SELECT fscv.parameter_value
       FROM fnd_svc_comp_params_tl fscp, fnd_svc_comp_param_vals fscv
       WHERE     fscp.display_name = 'Test Address'
       AND fscp.parameter_id = fscv.parameter_id; 


             Query will result with value     ‘NONE’ if override is not set earlier.

         2.      Now run the below sql update statement and commit

    UPDATE fnd_svc_comp_param_vals fscpv
    SET fscpv.PARAMETER_VALUE = '' --(Email        address to which all emails will be redirected)
    WHERE fscpv.parameter_id IN (SELECT fscp.parameter_id
    FROM fnd_svc_comp_params_tl fscp
    WHERE fscp.display_name = 'Test Address');

         3.      Now run the below SQL again to verify that the override email address has been set as required.
      SELECT fscv.parameter_value
      FROM fnd_svc_comp_params_tl fscp, fnd_svc_comp_param_vals fscv
      WHERE     fscp.display_name = 'Test Address'
    AND fscp.parameter_id = fscv.parameter_id;
           Query will result with value ''.

   4.      Start the workflow mailer from 'System Administration' > Oracle Applications Manager >  Click on Workflow

 Select Workflow Notification mailer and Click on   Select ‘Start’ from drop down list and Press on Go button. 

   5.      Workflow notification mailer should start and the status should be 'Running'.

      Steps3 - Test the setup


       1.      Click on 'Workflow Notification Mailer'.


  2.      Click on ‘Test Mailer’


       3.      Select user with email address set and click 'Accept' button.
Email address which has been set to  override will receive two email. 

      The emails should not be sent to the actual email address that is set for the user which selected above.

Now test environment has been configured to test workflow mailer server.

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