Thursday, December 27, 2018

Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Part 4

 Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Part 4 Installing Database for Oracle Identity Management and Oracle Fusion Applications Transaction Database

When determining your database configuration, consider the required instances, the required patching, listener configurations, schema and password requirements, and RCU directories.

Two databases are recommended for Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Access Manager/Oracle Identity Manager because they are likely to have different configuration requirements. If desired, they can be combined into a single database.
Download and unzip
Login to host dbnode01 with orafa user
cd /u02/ofa_soft/
Proceed with the installation of your choice. 
There are no additional patchsets required for database. Hence continue with below configuration

 4.1 Minimum Initialization Parameters for Oracle Identity Management Database


4.2 Preparing the Oracle Identity Management Database for the Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU

Execute the following commands to create XATRANS Views:
cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
sqlplus / as sysdba

4.3 Running the Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU for Oracle Identity Management

The Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU needs to be set up for the following components: ODS, OIF, OIM, OAM. You must use FA as the prefix for the schema names.
You must select a single password for all the schema while running the Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU.
Unzip the Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU zip file
Linux: REPOSITORY_LOCATION/installers/fmw_rcu/linux/

Start the Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU by issuing this command:
cd /u02/ofa_soft/installers/fmw_rcu/
mkdir rcu
unzip ../linux/
cd bin
On the Welcome screen, click Next.
On the Create Repository screen, select the Create operation to load component schemas into a database. Then click Next.
On the Database Connection Details screen, provide the information required to connect to an existing database. For example:
Database Type: Oracle Database
o    Host Name: Enter one of the Oracle RAC nodes. Enter the VIP address of one of the RAC database nodes or the database SCAN address, for example:
o    Port: The port number for the database listener (DB_LSNR_PORT). For example: 1521
o    Service Name: The service name of the database. For example
o    Username: sys
o    Password: The sys user password
o    Role: SYSDBA
Click Next.
On the Check Prerequisites screen, click OK after the prerequisites have been validated.
On the Select Components screen, provide the following values:
Create a New Prefix: Enter a prefix to be added to the database schemas, for example, enter FA.
Components: Select the schemas shown in the following table:
Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU Option
Service Name
Oracle Internet Directory
Identity Management–Oracle Internet Directory
Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Workbook - Database tab ->
IDM DB -> Service name (if not using a separate OID DB)
OID DB -> Service Name (if using a separate OID DB)

Oracle Access Manager
Identity Management–Oracle Access Manager
Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Workbook - Database tab -> IDMDB -> Service name
Audit Services will also be selected.
Oracle Identity Manager
Identity Management–Oracle Identity Manager
Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Workbook - Database tab -> IDMDB -> Service name
Metadata Services, SOA infrastructure, and User Messaging will also be selected.
Oracle Identity Federation
Identity Management–Oracle Identity Federation
Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Workbook - Database tab -> IDMDB -> Service name

Click Next.
On the Check Prerequisites screen, click OK after the prerequisites have been validated.
 On the Schema Passwords screen, enter the passwords for the schemas. You can choose to use           either the same password for all the schemas or different passwords for each of the schemas.       Oracle recommends choosing different passwords for different schema's to enhance security
   Click Next.
On the Map Tablespaces screen, accept the defaults and click Next.
On the confirmation screen, click OK to allow the creation of the tablespaces.
On the Creating tablespaces screen, click OK to acknowledge creation of the tablespaces.
On the Summary screen, the summary and verify that the details provided are accurate. Click Create to start the schema creation process.
On the Completion summary screen, verify that the schemas were created.
Click Close to exit.

4.4 Minimum Initialization Parameters for Oracle Fusion Applications Database

DB Default Value
Recommended Value for Oracle Fusion Applications
Derived from NLS_LANGUAGE
(Hidden Parameter. Use below command to change the value
ALTER SYSTEM SET "_b_tree_bitmap_plans"=false SCOPE=SPFILE;)
(alter system set "_fix_control"= '5483301:OFF', '6708183:ON' scope=spfile;)

Increase Redo Log Group 
At-least three 2 GB

4.5 Running the Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU for Oracle Fusion Applications

Create directories in the file system accessible by the database which will be referenced by the DBA directories used by Oracle Fusion Applications. These directories are specified in the Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Workbook - Database tab -> FA transaction Database table and they are:
Linux: REPOSITORY_LOCATION/installers/apps_rcu/linux/

4.6 Make dmp Files Available on the Database Server

  • Locate the file APPS_RCU_HOME/rcu/integration/fusionapps/
  • Unzip to the directory you specified for FUSIONAPPS_DBINSTALL_DP_DIR.
  • Go to APPS_RCU_HOME/rcu/integration/biapps/schema and locate the otbi.dmp file.
  • Copy otbi.dmp to OTBI_DBINSTALL_DUMP_DIR.

4.7 Running the Oracle Fusion Applications Repository Creation Utility using the Wizard

Start the Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU by issuing this command:
cd /u02/ofa_soft/installers/apps_rcu/
mkdir rcu
unzip ../linux/
cd bin
No action is necessary on this read-only screen. Click Skip this Page Next Time if you do not want to see it the next time you log in to the Oracle Fusion Applications RCU.
Click Next to continue.
Select Create to create and load component schemas into the database 
Click Next to continue.
Specify the database connection details. 
Click Next to continue.
Click OK
The Oracle Fusion Applications RCU retrieves the names of the Oracle Fusion Middleware and the Oracle Fusion Applications components. You cannot change the schema owner names. By default, all components are checked so that they are included in the prerequisite check process. 
Click Next to begin the process.
Click OK prerequisite check process
Specify the passwords for main and additional (auxiliary) schemas. Passwords must have a minimum length of eight characters and contain alphabetic characters combined with numbers or special characters.
  • Use same passwords for all schemas: Specify a single password for both schemas. Retype to Confirm.
  • Use main schema passwords for auxiliary schemas: Specify a different password to use for each main schema and for the associated auxiliary schema. Only the main schemas are visible. Retype the password to Confirm.
  • Specify different passwords for all schemas: Specify a unique password for each main schema and its auxiliary schema. All schemas are visible. Retype to Confirm.
Note the passwords you enter. You must supply them when you create a response file.
Click Next to continue.
Each Oracle Database directory object has a value represented by a physical directory on the database server. Custom variables are pre-defined, platform-specific directory objects that the Oracle Fusion Applications RCU creates. In the Value column, you specify a pre-existing physical directory (located on the database server) for each custom variable. 
Click Next to continue.
If you want to start the tablespace create process without making any changes, click Next on this screen. 
Click OK to create the tablespaces. 
Click OK when the operation is complete.
Review the information and click Create. While the schemas are being created, the utility displays the Repository Creation Utility – Create screen, showing the creation progress.
The Logfile column lists log file names.
If errors are encountered during the Create operation, or if a Create operation fails for any component, the Cleanup for failed components checkbox appears on this page and is selected by default. If the checkbox is selected, the Oracle Fusion Applications RCU will perform cleanup operations for the components that failed. 
Click Close to dismiss the screen.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Part 3

Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Part 3 Installing the Oracle Identity Management and Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning Frameworks

Staging of Oracle Fusion Applications Software is not required if you are downloading from eDelivery. Download Oracle Fusion Application Software (zip files) in to single directory and unzip them. This step will create stage Directory structure for Oracle Fusion Applications like below

3.1 Installing the Oracle Identity Management Lifecycle Tools

The Oracle Identity Management Provisioning Wizard is a component of the Oracle Identity Management Lifecycle Tools, which also includes the Oracle Identity Management Patching Framework. You must install the tools by running an installer, which is located in the provisioning repository.
In a multi-host environment, the Oracle Identity Management Lifecycle Tools must be visible to each host in the topology.

The installation script for the Oracle Identity Management Lifecycle Tools resides in the directory:
where REPOSITORY_LOCATION is the Oracle Fusion Applications provisioning repository, as described in Section 5.5, "Creating the Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning Repository".

To begin installing the tools, change to that directory and start the script.
Login to host idm01 with applmgr user
cd /u01/app/repository/installers/idmlcm/idmlcm/Disk1
./runInstaller -jreLoc /u01/app/repository/jdk6
Then proceed as follows:
On the Welcome page, click Next.

If you are running on a UNIX platform, and you have not previously installed an Oracle product on this host, you might be presented with the Specify Inventory Directory page, which prompts you for the location of the Inventory Directory. This directory is used to keep track of all Oracle products installed on this host. If you see this page, proceed as follows:
In the Operating System Group ID field, select the group whose members you want to grant access to the inventory directory. All members of this group can install products on this host. Click OK to continue.
The Inventory Location Confirmation dialog prompts you to run the inventory_directory/ script as root to create the /etc/oraInst.loc file. This file is a pointer to the central inventory and must be present for silent installations. It contains two lines:
The standard location for this file is /etc/oraInst.loc, but it can be created anywhere. If you create it in a directory other than /etc, you must include the -invPtrLoc argument and enter the location of the inventory when you run the Identity ManagementProvisioningWizard or the runIDMProvisioning script.
If you do not have root access on this host but want to continue with the provisioning, select Continue installation with local inventory.
Click OK to continue.

On the Prerequisite Checks page, verify that checks complete successfully, then click Next.
On the Specify Install Location page, enter the following information:
a.       Oracle Middleware Home - This is the parent directory of the directory where the Oracle Identity Management Provisioning Wizard will be installed. In a multi-host Oracle Identity Management environment, this must be on shared storage. for example:
b.       Oracle Home Directory - This is a subdirectory of the Oracle Middleware Home directory where the wizard will be installed. For example:
In the current guide, this subdirectory is referred to as IDMLCM_HOME.

Click Next.

On the Installation Summary page, click Install.

On the Installation Progress page, click Next.

On the Installation Complete page, click Finish.

3.2 Installing the Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning Framework3.3 Run the Provisioning Framework Installer

To install the provisioning framework, locate the directory REPOSITORY_LOCATION/installers/faprov/Disk1 and run the script, runInstaller or setup.exe, depending on your hardware platform. Note that REPOSITORY_LOCATION is the directory where you created the provisioning repository.

Note: You should not run the scripts, runInstaller or setup.exe, located in REPOSITORY_LOCATION/installers/fusionapps/Disk1. These scripts are used and run by the Provisioning Wizard and Provisioning Command-line Interface when needed. They are not meant for installing the provisioning framework.
Login to host fa01 with applmgr user
cd /u01/app/repository/installers/faprov/Disk1
./runInstaller -jreLoc /u01/app/repository/jdk6

If this is your first Oracle installation on this host, you must specify the location of the Central Inventory Directory. It is used by the installer to keep track of all Oracle products installed on this host. The default location for this file varies by platform.
Tip: This value is available in the Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Workbook - Storage tab -> Inventories -> FA Provisioning Framework.
In the Operating System Group Name field, select the group whose members will be granted access to the inventory directory. All members of this group can install products on this host. Click OK to continue.
Tip: This value is available in the Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Workbook - Storage tab -> Shared Storage -> FA Shared -> OS Group Owner.
The Inventory Location Confirmation dialog prompts you to run the inventory_directory/ script as root to create the /etc/oraInst.loc file. This file is a pointer to the central inventory and must be present for silent installations. It contains two lines:
The standard location for this file is /etc/oraInst.loc, but it can be created anywhere. Note that the default for Linux and AIX platforms is /etc/oraInst.loc and for Solaris and HP, it is /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc. If you create it in a directory other than /etc, you must include the -invPtrLoc argument and enter the location of the inventory when you run the provisioningWizard or the runProvisioning script.
If you do not have root access on this host but want to continue with the installation, select Continue installation with local inventory.
Click OK to continue.

Click Next to continue.

Analyzes the host computer to ensure that specific operating system prerequisites have been met. If any prerequisite check fails, the screen displays a short error message at the bottom. Fix the issue that caused the error and click Retry.
Ignore the error or warning message, click Continue. Click Abort to stop the prerequisite check process for all components.
Click Next to continue.
In the Location field, specify where you want to install the provisioning framework. This is the location where the Provisioning Wizard and the start command for provisioning are installed. This location is denoted as FAPROV_HOME. You can choose any location if it is on a shared disk in a location that is accessible to all hosts in your new environment.
: This value is available in the Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Workbook - Storage tab -> Install Directories -> FA Provisioning Framework Location.
The installation process creates a logical directory called the Oracle home. This location is where software binaries will be stored. No runtime process can write to this directory. The directory must initially be empty.
If you are performing the installation on a Windows operating system, ensure that the directory paths are valid and do not contain a double backslash (\\).

Click Next to continue.
Summarizes the selections that you have made during this installation session. To change this configuration before installing, select one of the screens from the left navigation pane or click Back to return to a previous screen. When you are satisfied with the details, click Save to create a text file (response file) to use if you choose to perform the same installation later.

Click Install to begin installing this configuration.

The progress indicator shows the percentage of the installation that is complete, and indicates the location of the installation log file.

Click Next when the progress indicator shows 100 percent.
Summarizes the installation just completed. To save the details to a text file, click Save and indicate a directory where you want to save the file.

Click Finish to dismiss the screen and exit the installer.

Continue:  Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Part 4

Some Tips About FNDLOAD

Data Synchronization  Data Synchronization is a process in which some setup data would be synchronized, and this would be more important w...